Biyernes, Agosto 24, 2012

type of tool

The Type Tool is used to create text in Photoshop. Type is a feature used mostly with desktop publishing and the Web, as most people don't tend to print out home photos with text on the pictures.
To create text in Photoshop, follow these steps:
  1. Open the image that you want to add text to.
  2. Click the Type tool Type Tool from the Tools Panel.
  3. Click the document where you want the text to appear.
  4. Type your text.

Type Examples

Photoshop provides many different options for writing text. To access these options, hold the mouse down on the Type Tool on the Tools Palette. The following options will appear.

Arched Text

Arched Text
  1. Create a new image by selecting File > New. Make the image 400 pixels wide by 100 pixels high.
  2. Create a new text layer by selecting the Type tool and clicking on the image.
  3. Type "Example of ARC text," or whatever other text you want.
  4. Click on the Create warped text button, next to the text color selector, in the toolbar.
  5. Use the following values: Style: Arc, Bend: +20, Horizonal Distortion: -20, Vertical Distortion: -20. Click OK.

Vertical Text

Vertical Text
  1. Save this file to your computer: eagle.jpg.
  2. Use the Marquee option and toggle the text orientation to vertical.
  3. Use the following values: Verdana as the font family, 48 pt as the font size, and bold the text.
  4. Type "EAGLE." Before you do anything else, move the marqueed type so that the bottom stroke of the letter "E" is on the eagle's eye.
  5. Tap the Enter key, or click the checkmark button on the toolbar to commit your text.
  6. Now Edit > Copy the marqueed text and Edit > Paste where appropriate.

Formatting Text

Character PaletteOnce the Type Tool is selected, the following text options will open in the Options Bar:
  • (insert image) - allows you to create a new text layer.
  • (image) - allows you to change the orientation of your text from horizontal to vertical.
  • - The first field defines the "font family" of the text (such as Times New Roman or Arial). The next field defines the point size of the text. The next option is to control anti-aliasing, or sharp or fuzzy the text looks. The next three boxes denote the alignment of the text within a preset space: left align, center, and right align. The solidly colored box represents the currently selected color, and the second to last button enables you to warp text over a preset path line. The last button on the toolbar toggles the Character and Paragraph palette. This palatte allows you to manipulate several type options, such as letter width and height, as well as including all the options available in the Type toolbar.

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